Thursday, April 9, 2020

Irish Takedown by the English in the US

So, since I'm more Irish and maybe not much English, does that mean I live by morality instead of messing around with the more bad people from the US to get popular ultimately?

"For me?"

Do you ever feel like nothing is for you?  Like you're selfish if it's for you and not for some little kid, perhaps? if it's nice and pretty.

Diabetes - The Gym

I was considering keeping my gym membership to take exercise classes for $100/month and quitting school, to reverse my diabetes.  I only have like 4-5 weeks of 16 weeks left I think.  My dad might die in the next year or half year and I have to move out, probably before that; he told me to start looking around.  I know the gym every day will lower my diabetes because it did before.