Monday, March 30, 2020

Did everyone turn into Egyptian pharaohs and I'm the 1 worker?  "Oh, you don't need greatness in life!"  Post-2000s bullshit.
White people from Europe are mean to people who are mixed American and non-American parents.


I added a link to my deviantART and Violin Log on my main blog.
I actually did something people from Europe did, but I didn't get to finish it, the way they are cute with good ideas, doesn't faint and fade.
Did coronavirus, besides having babies, give people a reason to live now that they don't have school too?  They seem to have come out of hiding.
I thought maybe the older lady I like really does like other people, like my cousin, better in unfair ways but differences that are good too.  I know Ellen DeGeneres telepathically said that was her hormones.  Adults, like the English did, want to feel sex from people to avoid the people they were on before in certain situations, like if they were considered good before.
People just see my aunt or know and think I don't like looks much, like many, but I like art a lot and was considered very good, too.  You know, they think if they compare me to my aunt, it looks like I don't care about my looks as much or don't wish I was a beautiful fairytale princess or something.

I just Googled my cousin.

People think that I'm bad and that all my "best" relationships should go to her and I should suffer for a long time about it, like she deserves more than me because she has a fancy mom, my aunt, and my dad is older and more old-fashioned in nature and not like her.

Even Ellen DeGeneres believes my aunt is bad for making my other aunt watch her and not giving her enough, she informed me or others I thought and am pretty sure in how she dealt with this, through telepathic ways.

I guess my aunt was wrong, not sure how else to break it. She brought her up in the heat, she didn't want her to be like her and she's very attractive, and mostly she promotes her over me it seems or I have nothing to do with people making it so she has some of my most important things socially like relationships, like if it was hard to meet people and I finally found some.

Please don't get a bad impression of her. I think because of my aunt she had a hard life. I was just thinking it was her responsibility to raise her, not blame the world for ruining it. In fact when we talk to people she is nice and people like her better than me rather than like us both in different ways of any shared ways. They think that by getting mad at her, that's the only way to fix life. You know, sometimes they come by my house and sometimes I feel bad around them or a lot. I feel sorry for my sick dad, but he's older. It's interesting my dad is also a violent parent sometimes, like if I ask if something is weird he threatens to throw me out of the house or car, same with my mom.

So, I don't mean to say anything bad about anyone, just like my aunt is confused about her…

If you know the bad point it's the idea that adults try to say I don't deserve anything because it's only my aunt's side that is glamorous.
Why do parents encourage their Generation XY... kids to take my relationship with an older lady I like?  She's not for everyone individually, but she can be shared.